Your Golf Swing Program Taught By Bill Sakas – Glencoe Golf Club Your Golf Swing Program Taught By Bill Sakas – Glencoe Golf Club

Your Golf Swing Program

Use this off-season to finally learn “YOUR GOLF SWING” through a program created by Bill Sakas.

The “YOUR GOLF SWING” program is designed to utilize technology used by PGA TOUR PROFESSIONALS to produce more consistent golf shots and eliminate your bad swing habits.

Use the technology the pros use every day to become more consistent.

Expected Results:

How to deliver the clubface square at impact to produce consistent shots.

Learn the intricacies of your swing path; why your ball goes where it does, and not where you’d like it to go.

Learn how to correct your negative tendencies.

A repeatable swing that is dependable under actual playing conditions.


All lessons are taught indoors utilizing launch monitor technology that tour professionals utilize. Students will also receive video swing analysis with in-depth descriptions of suggested swing improvements and week to week comparisons.

Recommended program schedule for best results:

  • 2 hours of instruction in December
  • 2 hours of instruction in January
  • 2 hours of instruction in February
  • 1 hour of instruction in March
  • Weekly practice


$780.00 for 7 hours of individual one on one instruction utilizing PGA level technology and weekly Indoor Practice Time*.  The program price reflects one free hour of instruction.

*Indoor Practice Time: The program includes indoor practice time based on availability at no additional cost.  The Indoor Practice Time is only available with the purchase of this program.

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A $125,000 anonymous matching gift was made to Friends. Please help to secure this significant contribution today!

Walking Only, 

