Give-A-Way Days – Glencoe Golf Club Give-A-Way Days – Glencoe Golf Club

Join us at the Glencoe Golf Club to help celebrate our Centennial Season. To commemorate this milestone Giveaway Days and Contests are planned throughout the season. Mark your calendars! Secure your tee times!

Giveaway Day Schedule

May 21st – Microfiber Lens Cloth

June 8th – Clip n’ Go Hand Sanitizer

July 8th – Golf Towel

August 1st – Centennial Logoed Golf Ball, Tees, Ball Marker & Divot Tool

October 8th – TaylorMade 2-Ball Packs

Golfers with paid tee times on the giveaway dates will receive a gift; while supplies last

Contest Days - Open to all

August 7th thru August 14th – Social Media Post

    • Participants will be entered into a raffle to win a TaylorMade Sim2 Driver


*Open to all, with no restrictions during the times posted.

A $125,000 anonymous matching gift was made to Friends. Please help to secure this significant contribution today!

Walking Only, 

