2018 Ladies’ Club Championship – Glencoe Golf Club 2018 Ladies’ Club Championship – Glencoe Golf Club
Pictured: Left to right Karen Pam, Trish Riggio, Judy Fink, Sandy Honaker and Mary Goldsmith

The Glencoe Golf Club hosted the Ladies Club Championship, a cumulative 36 hole gross score event, on August 20th and 21st .  The championship flight was a hard fought battle between Sandy Honaker and Mary Goldsmith that came down to the last hole. The ladies were tied going into the 36th hole and Sandy finished victorious with a par versus Mary’s double bogey.  This was Sandy’s 18th time as the Ladies Club Champion at the Glencoe Golf Club! Full event winners: first flight- Judy Fink, second flight- Trish Riggio and third flight- Karen Pam. Congratulations to all of the ladies that participated.

A $125,000 anonymous matching gift was made to Friends. Please help to secure this significant contribution today!

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